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Covid-19 incident


The COVID-19 pandemic, caused by the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, emerged in late 2019 and had a profound impact globally. Here are some key points about the COVID-19 incident:

  1. Outbreak in Wuhan: The first cases of a mysterious respiratory illness were reported in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. The virus was later identified as a novel coronavirus.

  2. Spread and Global Impact: The virus quickly spread internationally, leading to a global pandemic. The World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 a Public Health Emergency of International Concern on January 30, 2020, and later declared it a pandemic on March 11, 2020.

  3. Lockdowns and Mitigation Measures: Governments around the world implemented various measures to curb the spread of the virus, including lockdowns, social distancing, mask mandates, and travel restrictions.

  4. Healthcare Strain: The surge in cases strained healthcare systems worldwide, leading to shortages of medical supplies, hospital beds, and healthcare personnel.

  5. Vaccine Development: Scientists and pharmaceutical companies raced to develop vaccines to combat the virus. Several vaccines were developed and authorized for emergency use in record time.

  6. Economic Impact: The pandemic had severe economic repercussions, leading to job losses, business closures, and economic downturns in many countries.

  7. Social and Cultural Effects: The pandemic affected daily life, with changes in work patterns, education, and social interactions. Virtual communication became essential as people adapted to new ways of connecting.

  8. Global Cooperation and Challenges: The pandemic highlighted both global cooperation and challenges. Countries collaborated on vaccine distribution efforts, but there were also disparities in vaccine access and distribution.


Important events related to global political issues in 2020


In 2020, several significant global political events occurred, shaping the course of international affairs. Some notable events include:

  1. COVID-19 Pandemic: The outbreak of the novel coronavirus dominated global headlines, leading to widespread health, economic, and political challenges.

  2. U.S. Presidential Election: The United States held its presidential election in November, resulting in the victory of Joe Biden over incumbent President Donald Trump.

  3. Black Lives Matter Protests: The death of George Floyd in May sparked global protests against racial injustice and police brutality, with demonstrations taking place in many countries.

  4. Brexit Transition: The United Kingdom officially left the European Union on January 31, 2020, entering a transition period that lasted until the end of the year.

  5. Hong Kong National Security Law: China imposed a controversial national security law on Hong Kong in June, leading to concerns about the erosion of the region's autonomy.

  6. Middle East Peace Deals: The United States brokered historic normalization agreements between Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Bahrain, known as the Abraham Accords.

  7. Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict: The Nagorno-Karabakh conflict escalated into a full-scale war between Armenia and Azerbaijan in the fall, resulting in a ceasefire brokered by Russia.


Aplikasi Surat Jalan Pasir


Tidak Bisa Install Printer Jaringan pada Windows XP ke Printer yang di Share di Windows 10

Begini bro, saat itu saya memperbaiki komputer karena masalah SO-nya yang menggunakan win 7, setelah berbagai pertimbangan sebaiknya di upgrade saja ke win 10. Installasi berjalan baik dan lancar sampai pada akhirnya harus mengkoneksikan printer dari komputer lain yang menggunakan win XP. setelah menginstall printer kemudian mengaktifkan sharing printernya di win 10 dan melakukan setting beberapa parameter agar pc lain (win XP) yang sebelumnya terhubung tidak perlu melakukan install ulang untuk koneksi printernya

Saatnya melakukan test print, ternyata statusnya tidak tersambung alias Unable to Connect. Coba di hapus installasi printernya dan install ulang, eh tetep ga bisa, saat installasi dengan cara klik dua kali pada printer yang di share akan muncul jendela dengan komentar Operation could not be completed. Acces is denied dan jika di install lewat add printer pada halaman Device and Printer maka akan muncul permintaan untuk memasukkan user dan password dimana printer terinstall, padahal win 10 tempat printer sudah di turn off password protected sharing, bahkan coba di nonaktifkan firewall-nya tetep minta user dan passwordnya

Akhirnya nemu solusinya dari forumnya microsoft bagaimana caranya instalasi printer jaringan di win XP yang di share dari win 10 yaitu dengan installasi printer dengan mode local printer dengan port: \\NamaKomputerWin10\NamaPrinter.

Stepnya: Device and Printers >> Add a printer >> Add a local printer >> Creat a new port: local port>> Next  >> Enter a port name: \\NamaKomputerWin10\NamaPrinter. >> Have disk... lanjt sampai selesai

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